The function of Electrostatic Precipitator (ESP) is to capture suspended particulate matter like dust, fly-ash, aerosols etc. from exhaust gases, typically from that of an industrial Boiler by creating a strong electrostatic field. This electrostatic field in the ESP is the output of a high-voltage power source referred to as ‘ESP power supply’ which basically converts the power from AC mains (power source) to a controlled High-voltage DC current. The low-voltage AC input to High-voltage DC output is achieved by a Transformer-Rectifier unit whereas the output power is optimized for the operating conditions of the project application (load) by use of a Control cubicle.
Ador is the global leader in manufacturing of the complete Power supply unit.
High Voltage Transformer Rectifier units are available in single-phase and three-phase versions. Essentially, the two systems differ in the performance of the electrostatic precipitator in terms of dust separation.
We have the capability to customize the TR unit to meet the project-specific requirement of input voltage ranges (380V to 690V) and input frequencies (50Hz, 60Hz). Similarly, we offer a very wide voltage range on the output side viz. from 30 kVp to 200 kVp and output current ranging from 50 mA to 5000 mA.
Customized TR sets to meet any other input and output values can also be met using Ador’s rich experience.
Furthermore, we can adapt the main dimensions to meet any project-specific installation requirement of the electrostatic precipitator.
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